A lot’s going on in the sky this week. I’m sure you’re feeling it.
On Thursday, April 20, we have a solar eclipse at 29° of Aries AND a new moon.
This is the second new moon we’ve had in Aries this year.
🧨 An eclipse is like a new moon x50. It’s POTENT for seeding things.
An eclipse is the start of change. It’s a time for endings and beginnings — when our soul work gets a good shake-up. There might be some challenging realities in our faces right now. Think about what’s showing up over these next few days.
At the new moon, the sun & moon are together in the dark sky.
It’s intimate and internal and a beautiful time to get personal with our soul work and connect to all the parts of ourselves (especially those we don’t like and prefer not to deal with).
Find 29° of Aries in your natal chart and notice what the house that area rules. This will show you another puzzle piece as to what you’re being asked to dance with this eclipse season.
And because the eclipse is happening in Aries, it has an Aries flavor. Themes like initiation, bravery, just doing it, anger, intense emotions, competition, sex, vital life force, excitement, action, and self-centeredness.
This is a total solar eclipse, although here in the US, it happens at night, so we won’t be able to see it. A good question to ask yourself is, what needs to happen for my soul work to unfold and take precedence over what my ego wants?
Hold off on writing new moon/eclipse intentions.
I like to wait at least 48 hours to write mine. We want to see what shows up and write our intentions from there.
Take a step back and open up to the Divine to see the “work” you’re called to do.
The ruler of this new moon, Mars, is in Cancer right now. So we have a high probability of emotional reactions. We might feel extremely moody. Are you feeling it? I know I certainly am!
It’s like something comes to you, you react, and you want to get moving and change all the things immediately. That’s the Aries vibe. I urge you to wait and see if there’s more to the story before running off and making massive changes. We can make significant shifts during eclipses, but we need a hefty dose of mindfulness.
Let me leave you with something to ponder…
Eclipses aren’t good or bad. They just are. They happen. And the more we pay attention to what’s happening in our lives, the more present we can be to our holy and sacred work while on this planet. Lots of people are creeped out around eclipses. The ancients were a little spooked by them, so I get it.
But we’re living in a different time, co-mingling and co-creating with our higher selves.
This eclipse invites you to dance with something — how can you move with it?
Sending you love as you ride this wave,
💛 Tara