We’re about to experience a full moon in Libra at 12:34 a.m. Eastern Time on April 6.
In astrology, this full moon officially ushers in eclipse season. The new moon in two weeks will also be a solar eclipse in Aries.
Eclipse season is the time for change and a big step forward in our soul work. It’s an opportunity to uplevel our consciousness and awareness.
Let’s back up and talk about this full moon…
Around the full moon, things that we may not want to see or have been out of our awareness may be surfacing. Unprocessed emotional issues are drawn out of our own emotional waters and psyches.
This particular full moon is expressed through the Libra archetype for all of us. This full moon gets excited about Libra themes like one-on-one relationships — romantic, business, friends, –communication, and collaboration with others, balance, inner harmony, and harmony in our environment. These themes could be popping up this week.
Luna is fully illuminated right now because the Sun is in Aries — which is directly opposite the moon in Libra.
The sun in Aries is shining a light on some tension in our lives between what seems like two different and opposing forces. The opportunity for you is to integrate them both.
It can show up like this:
A dance between our personal motivations and our relationship aspirations.
A balance of just doing what we want and considering others.
I want this but I really need that too.
At the full moon, it’s about seeing what’s been out of our awareness (or in our subconscious).
Doing so consciously and intentionally — that’s the sun balancing both things so we can become a more vital expression of ourselves.
Chiron is a big player in this full moon, so we’re also getting a hefty dose of healing energy on our path to integrating our wants and needs into the whole of who we are.
Healing is all about knowing your many parts and being in relationship with them. And at a full moon, we get a beautiful opportunity to do this.
So what does this full moon mean for you?
Look up 16° of Libra in your natal chart. That’s the area of life where this full moon is happening for you.
Also, find the house that Libra rules in your natal chart. There’s action happening there too.
A question for you to ponder — what’s coming to light for you right now?
💛 Tara