Happy February!
🌕 The Leo Full Moon is Almost Here ♌
On Sunday, February 5, there’s a full moon at 16° of Leo. There’s also a tight square to Uranus happening around the time of the full moon, so expect some surprises between Saturday and Monday.
Remember, at a full moon, our soul wants us to see something. See if you can find the gift in the unexpected, unusual, crazy kind of thing that shows up over the weekend.
🌙 Your Natal Moon Placement Shows You How To Nurture Yourself.
The moon represents our basic needs. Once we look after our primary requirements (an excellent opportunity for reparenting), we can get to what we’re here to create and express. In astrology, our natal sun shows us our creative self-expression.
Find your moon soon below to see how to best look after your essential needs.
♈ Moon in Aries
You need passion, pioneering, a project, sex, action, and independence.
♉ Moon in Taurus
Things need to feel consistent, reliable, resourceful, practical, earthy, and rooted in the five senses.
♊ Moon in Gemini
There’s a deep need to communicate, whether through speaking or writing learning, reading, and finding novelty. It’s also important to find ways to ways to quiet that busy mind.
♋ Moon in Cancer
You need to feel … intuitive, sensitive, and trusting. There’s also a powerful necessity to nurture others and yourself through food, security, and a cozy home.
♌ Moon in Leo
Needs the new, big, and bold and to live life to the fullest, feeling confident (but a bit insecure at the same time). Also needs adoration, recognition, drama, and grand emotional expression.
♍ Moon in Virgo
Has practical needs like using logic and systematizing things. Also craves healthy habits, cleaning, natural healing, order, and serving in a meaningful way.
♎ Moon in Libra
Requires peace, visual harmony, partnership, meditation, conscious communication, fairness for all, and harmony in relationships.
♏ Moon in Scorpio
Likes emotional passion, mystery, depth, intimacy, sex, expression, and must be all-in or all-out.
♐ Moon in Sagittarius
Needs adventure, travel, the exotic, speaking truth (sometimes bluntly) to see the bigger picture, hope, optimism, independence, fun, freedom, and needs to break up boring routines to expand the mind.
♑ Moon in Capricorn
Requires respect and significance in relationships, responsibility, to be reserved, mature, critical, determined, independent, authority, leadership, and structure.
♒ Moon in Aquarius
Needs a cause, to find new solutions, goals, to stir the pot, to be eccentric, to march to a different beat, and to find “their people” intriguing.
♓ Moon in Pisces
Needs to cry, feel, connect to something higher, use water as a remedy, and feel intuitive, romantic, and imaginative. Also requires poetry, music, emotional safety, and an outlet for creativity.
You’re Invited: Astrological Immersion with Debra Silverman
“It just takes one person to realize who they are… Commit to their true self. Understand the cosmic imprint they came with. All of a sudden magic begins.” - Debra Silverman
Debra Silverman has a remarkable capacity to help you remember your true magical self! If you’ve been here for a while, you know how much I love this Gemini. I’ve been teaching in her astrology school for years, too.
Join me in her FREE LIVE Astrological Immersion event and ditch the negative voices that interrupt your commitment to letting your true self SHINE.
Wishing you a powerful week as you honor the full moon in a way that feels nourishing to you.