Happy Fall Equinox or Spring Equinox depending on where you live on this beautiful planet.
On Saturday, September 23 the Sun is exactly above the Equator and the day and night are the same length, this happens two times per year and when it happens in September it’s known as the Autumn Equinox.
You planted seeds in the spring, reveled in the full bounty of summer and now you are ready for the harvest of the fall. This is a time of lightness and celebration, a time to connect with nature and each other before we go inside and descend into our own stillness and take the inner journey that winter offers.
As the Sun shines equally on both the Northern and Southern hemisphere it is only fitting that we enter Libra season – a time of balance.
Nature reminds us that Libra is also about harmony and beauty as she puts on a beautiful show and the leaves change from green to reds, oranges, and yellows.
We spend a lot of time talking about the Sun and Moon’s movement around your Natal Chart in the Luminary Parenting Community.
The next ‘moonth’ as our dear Luna takes her journey around the zodiac our sky will have a Libran influence. Every month’s journey has a different flavor of the moon depending on what sign the sun is in. I report the whole scoop to my Community every day in the Daily Cosmic Weather voice message.
Connection is my passion
My goal is to keep YOU connected to the sky above and you staying connected to THAT sky above ultimately allows you to be connected to YOUR own personal sky – your natal chart. Our natal chart is our Soul’s curriculum, our Earth work and in the perfect world, we’d all live out our chart.
In the community we track the movement of the Sun and Moon through your chart. We also keep an eye on those faster moving planets too.
Then when it comes time for the bigger outer planets transits (Saturn, Uranus, etc…) we’re already connected to our natal chart and we can dance with them in a more conscious, aware way because we know who we are.
So I’d love for you to join us in the Luminary Parenting Community where I make Astrology practical for your day-to-day life. It truly is my daily spiritual practice and I share that with you every day.
You’ll receive Daily Cosmic Weather Voice messages recorded every morning while I commune with Dear Luna along with access to Live monthly New Moon Workshops, Natal Chart Masterminds, and so much more! You can read all about it HERE.
Equinox Blessings to you,